
balewood white


A HLin of Kelticgreen
Aan de Rode Beek Balou (Bowie)
Aandacht Tamnavulin
Abenthan Bell
Abenthan East
Abenthan Foxx (Jet)
Abenthan Junior ( Henry)
Absolut First Izolda Garonera
Absolut First Rasmus Garonera
Absolut Happy von der Klever Schwanenburg
Absolute Power's Colour of Magic
Absolutely Tristan Garonera
active asics chanouk
Active Asics Comes to Flaming Rockstars
Active Companion Blue Bubbles
Adele vd craneburcht
AESA (Roepnaam Floki)
Afke fan it Fryske Wetterlân
Agnetha van Attelaken (Abby)
Aislinn off Kelticgreen
Aja Rezave stesti
Aj´s Delou
Akoyas Drop of Maple Leaf
Al Capone vom Sagberg
Alan Miles of Seaside Amber
Aldagessem's Dual Fortune Cookie
Alika From Zwalus Estate
All my Passion Blues best Boomer
Alliance de La Vie Calm Steadiness
Allmikamores Gandalf
Alma´s Ace vom Himmelsberger Wald
Along Came Holly My Mystical Soudog
Alva vom Sagberg
Andras Janne vom Dunkelschlag
Anna Rossie Olaf Ze Stahlavskeho sadu
Anni von den Haubergen
Annie Oakley of Cherries Pride
Apporteur April van de Gouden Werkers ( Guusje)
Arbeiter Nena von den Ruhrpottkindern
Archibald vom Salgenholz
Archie from Zwalus Estate
Arcklebear Whisper
Arctic Treasure's Alluring Birdy
Arduinas Jill
Arlet Star Rover
Arne from Zwalus Estate
Arthur's Percival of Keltigreen
Arya vom Saleyer Jagdgrund
Ashbury Nordic Touch
Athos vom Rohsee
Aurora skies
Autumn Spirit Sunray v.'t Dekkershof (Ranger)
Autumn Spirit Sunray v.'t Dekkershof (Ranger)
Ava vom Soloshof
Ava vom Soloshof
Axel van Attelaken (Mats)


B & INT FT -CH Drumindoney first choice
B FTCH Moonlight Of The Charmed Angel JAYJAY
B FTCH Oberon Of The Charmed Angel
B. & Int. FT Ch. Fendawood Huntsman "Hunter"
Back to the Roots I am Pepper
Back to the Roots Jameson
Back to the Roots Jay
Back to the Roots Jette
Baco river gundogs
Bähr's Camillo
Balderick van der Doorder Stee
Balewood Wick
Balewood Wilco
Balewood Woody
Bauke of Royal Pleasure
Be Like Emma vom Rohsee
Beaconbanks Milo of Cwmcarrog
Beast of Forest Billie Jean
Beautiful Hunter Moon
Beautiful hunter Nash
Beautiful hunter reeve
Beautiful Hunter Unique Balou
Beautiful Hunter Yale(Hanky)
Beautyfield's Ice Age
Beautyfield's Loch Lomond
Beechbrook Chief O'Hara
Beechbrook Country Kerry
Beechdale's Finch
Beechdale's Morse
Beechdale's Rockfish River
Beechdale`s Nightingale
Beechdale´s Licence to Kill
Bela vom Steinebach
Bell Oktave Clooney
Bell Oktave Countess
Bellspaddle Thunderer
Ben vom Steinebach
Benthe van Attelaken
Bentivar mr Johnnie
Birdie Of A Quite Spot
Birdsgreen Cadet
Blackfen Olive
Blackhopebyres Edan
Blackthorn Indian Henna
Blackthorn Neo
Blackthorn Royal Clarity
Blackthorn Terefere
Blackthorn Vinwood
Blackthorn Willow
Blackthorn Wonderful Rivka
Blackthorn X-Inch
Blackthorn Yoda
Blazing Fowler's Biz Caya (Roxx)
Bliss from the happy red rascals
Bloom with Grace Love a Lot Esme
Blossom of Sweep's Legacy
Blue vh Haesdal
Bluelakes Golden Bayless
Böckenbusch Boomerangs Ace
Bonfire Frieda of Mayfield Manor
Bonfire Ruby of Mayfield Manor
Bonfire Worker Awesome Dash
Bonfire Worker Blueberry
Bonfire Worker Callisto
Bonfire Worker Chance
Bonfire Worker Dee
Bonfire Worker Duchess
Boomaja's Abenteurer Alfred
Boomaja's Abenteurer Bounty
Boreas Bahadir from Marybos Dream
Boreas Brahn from Maryboss dream
Boreas Maila from Marybos dream
Bornbrand Lean Seven
Bouncy Baely of Golden Cupcakes
Bowie das Wiedanja
Brakelmann von der Südwinser Düne (Kurt)
Bramasolie Malbec
Brave Avir de Robbenjagers
Brave BonScott De Robbenjagers
Bright Bushmills Of Eager Spirit
Bright Irmeli of loyal devotion
Bright Jaz of Jeronimo's Point
Brightonyx Q'Blackwoods (Woody)
Brightonyx Ultimate Surprise (River)
Brightonyx Ultimate Surprise (River)
Brooklands Vonkie
Brooklands Wanna be your Sidekick Ida
Broom Hills Blueberry Muffin
Broom Hills Go in Style
Broomlanes Grace
Bruno terra marique
Bubilotti's Big Bang P.D.
Bubilotti's Big Bang Uschi
Burrendale Wookiee


Cabellou's Perfect Blend
Cabellou's Unchain My Heart
Cairngold's Cadderlie Wicket
Cairngold's Crail Connor
Cairngryffe Drake
Calle vom Nagelsberg
Canna Dea's History of Murphy's Law
Carlings Dag vom Uthleder Berg
Carmína z Váhy
Casarrondo Fae sell ab Thanksgiving
Casarrondo Ithil Lÿsan adan
Casarrondo Jîori adan
Caseway's Bright Eyes Frida
Cate's William of Little Earls Hill
Cathlynn van Attelaken
Cawood Sky
Cay'lox I'Naya Black Diamond
Cay'lox July Morganit to golden Lake of Miracles
Cerbel Hope
Cerbel In Love
Cerbel Nathan
Cerbel over the Moon
Cerbel Unlimited
Cerbel Victory
Cerbel Violin
Cerbel Xailor
Cerbel Xipper
Ch Perfect Princess by Moon of Sunshine's Valley
Ch Totally in Love Of Sunshine's Valley
Ch.Whistlestar's Tabatha
Chapeau Chilli Pepper von der Kaninhütte
Charming Power Carly
Charming Power Divlynn
Charming Power Finny
Charming Power Foxy
Chase of Golden Spirit Hunters
Cheerful Worker Aurélie
Chesdale Catori
Chesters'Mill Bess
Chestnut Hunters Bess
Chestnut Hunters Chip
Chestnut Hunters Olympia
Chico Red Rebel v.d. Stam de Duffelt
Chipmunk's Henk
Claire vom Velthover Winkel
Clocaenog Ability
Clocaenog Amazing Bess
Clockwork Bushmills
Cooper's Golden Brave Breeze
Cooper's Golden Candid Crimble
Cooper's Golden Dedicated Skadi
Cooper´s Golden Brave Fame
Cooper´s Golden Candid Boots
Cooper´s Golden Dedicated Dante
Copperbirch Violet
Copperlake Ninja
Copperlake Ranger
Copperlake Raven
Copperlake River
Copperlake River
Copperlake Romeo Engelbert
Copperlake Roxy
Copperlake Ruby
Copperlake Tarzan
Copperlake Tokyo
Copperlake Twix
Copperlake Was'Da Saar
Copperlake Watson
Coughtcross Susie
Crazylake Afrika
Crosshairs Bang Bang
Crosshairs Crashing
Crosshairs Debbie Eagan
Cuiviénen Jet Black Mauve for New Borgs'
Cuiviénen Jet Black Scarlet
Culham Ace
Culham Amber
Culham Amiable Kite
Culham Anthony
Culham Bead
Culham Belemon


Danube Boondocks Amber DHENYA
Daria Sansa of Little Earls Hill
Deep Impact April in Paris
Deep Impact Bambery
Deep Impact Brooks
Deep lake paco
Deep Lake Umi
Deep Lake Vince Of Small Game Valley
Deeplake Tibo
Deeplake Toulouse
Deeplake Utah Jazz of Starcreek
Delighted Hunter Awesome Atreju
Delighted Hunter Awesome Lotte
Delighted Hunter Enjoy Rocky
Delighted Hunter Glory Rocky
Delighted Hunter Hope Paulina
Delighted Hunter Hope Paulina
Delwin v.d. Everse akkers
Derrick van der Doorder Stee
Derrygowns Aidan
Devil's Paintbrush Erithacus Calliope
Devil's Paintbrush Ketupa Lesson
Diamond In The Sky Black Brianta (Skye)
Diamondflats Blanchett
Diamondflats Easy Rider Donovan
Dila From The Gundog Farm
Dinthe van het Zuiderlaantje
Djagger From The Go-Getters
Dolphingham Darkettina
Donatara the High Spirits Toller
Doortje van Attelaken
Dora of Mystirious Pride
Dragons Kiss of Red Glory
Drakeshead Honesty
Dream First Astrid Garonera
Dream First Tor Garonera
Dream First Tyra Garonera
Dreamlike Easy Garfield
Dreamlike Easy Golden Cosmo
Dreamlike Easy I am Joker
Drumgoose shelby
Dual Nelson VD Hooydam Hoeve
Dual's Hope Mitchell
Dual's Hope Precious Basco
Dual's Hope Proud Lucca
Dual's Hope proud to be called Plum
Dual's Hope Quick Riff
Dual's Hope Remos
Dual's Hope Storming Tedder
Dual's Hope Vamos Sokka
Dual,s Hope Royal Liam
Duckflight Derrygown Linn
Duckflight Eye on Jackdaw
Duckflight Firecrest
Duckflight Firedragon
Duckflight Guns n'Roses
Duckflight Heather
Duckflight Hickory
Duckfligt Firefly
Duckmoors Absolut Vodka
Dufte Dinky Bee von der Kaninhütte
Dumpling Eggsy of Sunshine Tollers
Dundoll's Choice Darcy
Dundoll's Choice Dottie
Dundoll's Choice Dottie
Dunehills Kindfmagic
Dunmore Dean my Golden Elixir
Dutch D' Votion Hip Lovely Lady
Dutch Duke Floating Current
Dutch Harvey Floating Current


Eagle Red Alive Duke
Edward Leopold vom Sturmhügel
Ekensi Dark Angel of Eternity
Elaisa Fellow for Life
Elisabeth of nature ´s Garden
Elisabeth of Nature's Garden
Elizabeth Keen v.h. Haesdal
Elkshead Arran to Think Twice
Elza's Memory Remus de Champagne
Emiel-Matheo vom Sturmhügel
Energetic Peet von Morito
Enjoy Jazz of Mountain Forest Glade
Enjoy Uno of Mayfield Manor
Enjoy v. d. Golden-Jagers
Enrik vom Sturmhügel
Epke fan it Fryske Wetterlân
Esless Dalby
Esprit von den Hochangern
Ethan´s Erryroe
Etu Duncan of Catwiesels Whirlwind
Eule's Avicula Taru
Eule's Blyxa Beretta
Eurfryn A Hello to Adele
Evaine von der Klifflinie


Fair Lady Freya the High Spirits Toller
Fair Red Apple Melba
Fair Red Apple Rubinette
Famous Bärbel of Nature's garden
Fancy Fiddle of Eager Spirit
Fantastik Fanta von der Kaninhütte
Fast and Friendly Dynamic Illusion
Fast and Friendly Elation Lenny
Favourite fellow Janis (MEL)
Feel First Tindra Garonera
Femba's Unbelievable Holly
Fencer Nelson
Fendale Gin Sling
Fendale Liquid Fire
Fendawood Nevada
Fenna Kremer van het Haesdal (Lola)
Fenway Carmen
Fenway Delphina
Feya vom Höbersbach
Filomena the High Spirits Toller
Fir green Archer
Fir Green Cole
Fir Green Dawn
Fir Green Dot
Fir Green Dudley
Flaming Rockstars Lord Watson
Flash From The Go-Getters
Flat passion's Quite Freaky but Fancy
FLAT PASSION'S The Future Ahead
Flat Passion's Velvet Embrace Of Jäger's Son
Flat Work and Love Aimée
Flatgold's Dragonheart
Flatgold's Colour of the Night
Flatgold's Fearless Stunning Farrell
Flatgold's Flying Shadow
Flatgold's Full Steam ahead
Flatgold's Nothing Else Matters Nash
Flatgold's Talking to the Moon
Flatgold's Thunderbird
Flatgold's Version Girl
Flevoland's Freek the High Spirits Toller
Flinte vom kleinen Hülser Berg
Floor van de Craneburcht
Flow of Happy Gold The Lion King
Flushmore Julia
Flying Fredrik The Second Off April
Flying Kangaroo Tabby
Flying Kangaroo Tosh
Flynt vom Kleinen Hülser Berg
Follow My Lead Red Hot Chili Pepper
Forestline Artemis
Forestrunners Captain Morgan
Forestrunners First Premium Fun of Saint Lucia
Forever Young from the go-getters
Foxhope s Juniper van 's Gravenhout
Foxhope's Marking a Grouse
Frau Ayra the High Spirits Toller
Freja Phoenix
French -Quarter-Friend' s Fleur de Cannelle
French-Quarter-Friend's D'Artagnan
French-Quarter-Friend's Gribouille
Frizelwood Amber Lady
From Rosie's Garden Vic
Froukje Pasion of Gold
Frozen Hunter's Anna
FT Ch Joker of the Spring Cottage (Dexter)
FT CH Truro
Ft.W. Hillfields Mowsley
FTAW Think Twice Zinger
FTCH Go Back Skyhawk
FTCH Gundog´s Choice Ghost
FTCh Henderick Team Williams
FTCh Peaky Wild Finders Polly Gray of Rebel Blend
FTCh.Elza's Memory Raffa De Champagne
FTW Handsome Hidde the Second off April
FTW Jax From The Gundog Farm
FTW Jersey Girls Patch
FTW Masters of water Ready to win
FTW Taur en Faroth du Pays des Gelfes
Fun-Toler's Adventure for Moos
Funnyline Fieldquest Cree Squaw
Funnyline Fieldquest Leo's Amber
Funnyline Fieldquest Leo´s Magic (Sam)
Funnyline Fieldquest Red Willow
Fürstin Frieda vom blauen Walde


Gaheris von der Klifflinie
Game and Work Charmy Clive
Gentle Gundog Archie
George vom Hofesaat
Gipsies Josephina of the Naughty Dogs
Gladline Merlin
Gladline Oliza
Glenbriar Blake
Glenbriar Darcy
Glendonstone Apollo (Ross)
Glengad Charlotte
Glengad Daley Morris
Glengad Demmi
Go Back Blankney
Go Back Fifty Shades Darker
Go Back Fifty Shades Darker
Go Back Keystone
Go Back Kudu
Go Back Long Beach
Go Back Long Island Iced Tea
Go Back Nightflight (Joy)
Go Back Skyhawk
Go Back Skyhawk
Go Back Skymaster
Go Back Sunshine
Go Back Take the Money and Run
Go Back Walk in Line
Go Lou Arlet Star
Golden Teamplayer Chelsea
Golden Blossom's Shannon
Golden Blossom's Stax
Golden Lining Absolute Zora
Golden Lining Blazing Jagger
Golden Lovers Ussi (Jussi)
Golden Worker Enthusiastic Joy
Golden Worker Enthusiastic Raven
Golden Worker Hurricane Ryder
Golden Worker Incredible Fynn
Golden Worker Incredible Joplin
Golden Worker Keen of Ethan
Golden Worker Keen of Kitu
Golden Worker Keen of Lieven
Golden Worker Keen of Oakley
Golden Worker Limitlees Edda
Golden Worker Limitless Jill
Golden worker limitless Passion
Golden Worker Limitless Robyn
Golden Worker Limitless Storm
Golden Worker Masterpiece Bentley Boy
Grace Brooks True Friends (Eva)
Graceful Attitude Quite right of Mvr
Graceful Attitude Roy
Graceful Star Aquin
Graceful Star Artus
Graceful Star Aubree
Graceful Star Avalon
GRAF of Woodpecker's Lane
Gräfin von Westerholts Makani
Gräfin von Westerholts Nashon
Gräfin von Westerholts Oxylos
Grandma's Secret Weapon Of Red Glory
Greenbriar Bronze
Griffin vom Stückstein
Grovery Voyager of Mvr
Gun's Devil Annie
Gundog's Choice Eddie
Gundog's Choice Fellow
Gundog`s choice Hope
Gundog´s Choice Ferdinand
Gundog´s Choice Flame (Lemmy)
Gundog´s Choice Flint
Gundog´s Choice Jody
Gundog´s Choice Kate
Gundog´s Choice Lemon
Gunnerspeg Delta
Gunnerspeg Embergrace (Grace)
Gunnerspeg Galvanised
Gunsight's Holywell
Gwenrose Catch the Wind


Hailix Golden Acorns Active Ayko
Hailix Golden Acorns Sir Alex
Hailix Golden Celtics Criminal Minds
Hailix Golden Double Impact Dark Knight
Hailix Golden Eirish Entchanted Anny
Hailix Golden Eirish True Blue Tweed
Handsome fox with gentle eyes faithful Aloha
Happy Amy of Jeronimo's Point
Happy Hurling of Eager Spirit
Happy Lilly My Golden Future Dream
Harley of the Spring Cottage
Harriette of Semmlers Black Treasure
Harvey Fellow For Life
Haug of Glass vom Hofesaat
Hazel von Kühlem Grund
Head over Fields Dry Gin
Head Over Fields Enya
Head Over Fields Great Gatsby
Heath Fields Aimes Green
Heath Fields Ashby
Heather of the Spring Cottage
Heatherfield vd Bleckinkhof
Hectorkirk Snodberry Wolfeca
Helkyn Ambitus (Ralle)
Henrik von Kühlem Grund
Henry vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Hera Skogaholms
Herringbone's Mr Tommy Brock
Herringsbone's Hunca Munca
Hesseldale Abbey
Hesseldale Blue Molly
Hey Harper von der Kaninhütte
Hey Heather von der Kaninhütte
Hey Hunter von der Kaninhütte
Highlandflats Coconut Kiss (Chianti)
Hillfields Abbeystead
Hillfields Brayley
Hillfields Featherstone (Bryce )
Hillfields Nara
Hiltrud vom Hofesaat
Hitchcock von Gut Dirlau
Hola Chica from the Gundog farm
Holley Shiftwell v.h. Weemsel
Hollygreen Finlaggan Flint
Hollygreen's Highland Béla
Hope Fellow for Life
Hopeful Soulmate Dainty Djamila
Hopeful Soulmate Free Hugs Faye Moana
House Of Bella's Moët Imperial
House of Bella's Vic
House of Bella´s Perignon Luminous
Huels' Hunters Ileni
Huels' Hunters Jodie
Huels' Hunters Lenny
Hummer of the Spring Cottage
Hunter's Moonlight Twenty for INDY
Hunter's Moonlight Wind of Change Joona
Hunting Treasure´s Birdie


I'm Lost Without You of Eager Spirit
Iceroot's Chiaro
Iceroot's Elsa
Iceroot's Faith
Iceroot's Gawain Pijl
Ida vom Heveser Hoff
Ihilien`s Orithil
Ilenidas Annie
Impress Archer of Royal Pleasure
Indigo Red des Fields de Mauny
Indy Adoraient Abbie at Tarncrag
Innocent Radley of XanXenia (Floyd)
Int Ft Ch Starcreek Stanley
Int FT Ch Think Twice One Man Show
Int FT Ch. Abbotsleigh Niger
Int FT Ch. Think Twice Ecce Homo
Int FT Ch. Think Twice Uh La La La
INT FTCH Masters of Water Nott
INT FTCh Rebel Blend Daddy Longlegs
INT. FTCH Westmacott Heidi (Shiva)
Int/B Ft Ch De Dee Arlet Star
Int/CZ FTCH Kensteen Rocket


Jace Rising Star of Chamebe Dreams (Liv)
Jachtgenoegen Tesla
Janice aus Aquis-Grana
Jelte Sybe fan 'e Wetterkrite
Jenner Corona
Jersey Girls Castellotti
Jersey girls Riley
Jersey Girls Young Blood
Jersey Girls Zadee
Jesko vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Jewels jade The Second Off april (Abby)
Jewels Jelmer The Second off April
Jewels Juma the second off April (Joppe)
Jinkster Albus
Jixx of the Spring Cottage
Jo Hondo vom Hofesaat
Jodie's Labbies Albert Charles
Jodie's Labbies Artemis Angel
Jodie's Labbies Autumn Alice
Jojo de la Champ de Feu
Jones from the Gundogfarm
Joy vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Jule vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Jules vom Hofesaat
Julius vom Wachtberger Ländchen


Kaliture Jolly Be Good
Kandy aus Aquis-Grana
Karla vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Kay of the Charmed Angel
Keep an eye on AHA's Ida
Keep an eye on AHA's Just Ole
Keep an eye on AHA's Kalle
Keep an eye on AHA's Kaya-Ellis
Keep an eye on AHA's Lene
Keep Cool Fellow for Life (Maila)
Keep Cool Jason vom Walderkamm
Kenxtwen Lola May (Nessie)
Kessy vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Kingsdale Meadow Action Hero
Kingsdale Meadow Ashitaba
Kingsdale Meadow Cinnamon
Kingsdale Meadow Daxx
Kingsdale Meadow Fellow
Kroonkennel's Okira
Kroonkennel's Only You
Kroonkennel's Payka
Kroonkennel's Philou
Kroonkennel's Puk
Kroonkennel's Qooper
Kroonkennel's Seppe
Kroonkennel's Whiskey “Finn”
Kroonkennel's Wies


La Demisa After Eight (Whistle)
La Demisa Chivas Regal
Labdom Max
Lady Gaga Fellow for Life
Laggengill Mutiny (Stokes)
Lani vom Lohner Brook
Lara vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Laurino ex Chelsea
Lepalus At its best Roja
Lexie - Mirthe
Lilleburne Skategard Gavin
Limetrees Golden Crimson of Karlotta
Limetrees Golden Crimson of Karlotta
Limetrees Golden Elani
Limetrees Golden Enjoy Little Jill
Linefire Agent Largo
Linkwood Alva
Linkwood Ardpatrick
Linkwood Blackfire
Linkwood Crash Hot
Lino vom Lenzental
Little Frieze Mr.Hobson
Little game hunter Vino
Little Game Hunter Vip
Little Mhor's Bella
Liu of Gina's Home
Liv`s Touch the Sky of Chamebe Dreams (Roxx)
Loreca's Conrad
Lou us Kölle
Love'n' Duck Aix Gipsy
Lowforge Wish You Were Here
Loyal Mr. Blue van de Hooydam Hoeve (Blue)
Lucille Ball of the Naughty Dogs
Lucky Golden Star Alonso Pasteli
Lucky Lucy My Golden Future Dream
Luise vom Belauer See
Luise vom Belauer See (Springer Spaniel)
Luther v.h. Haesdal (MAX)
Luxx from the gundog farm


Made in Heaven Fort Hell Labradors (May)
Madriver's Irish Cream at Garonera
Maesiwan Gunner
Mala Davina of Thundering Heart
Mamselle Mila of Ghenalias Loving Eyes
Mara of Hunterstone
Marancha's Dream R'OASIS
Marancha's Dream Rebel Black Magic
Marancha's Dream Riba
Marancha's Dream Romney
Marancha's Dream Running back
Marancha's Dream Skye, Nighean of Noë
Marancha's Dream Stanley Mc Dexter
Marancha's Dream Tommy
Marancha's Dream Tonick
Marancha's Dream Tyler-Bruce (Bruce)
MARANCHA'S DREAM U R the one that I want Ubby
Marancha's Dream Unstoppable Shadow
Marancha's Dream Vedette
Marancha's Dream Veni Vidi Vici
Marancha's Dream Xanthi
Marancha's Dream Xen Vesta
Marancha`s Dream Undercover Ferry
Martinique of Red Glory
Masters of Water Nelson
Masters of Water Nice
Masters of water Only born to be the « Best »
Masters of Water Onyx
Masters of Water Ozy
Masters of Water Sir Jack
Masters of Water Tempo
Masters of Water That´s my Honey (Hanni)
Masters of Water Ultimately Redd (Red)
Mathea-Ava of Gina's Home
Mayflower Dancer's Onyx
Mayflower Dancer's Rainbow Huntress
Mayflower Dancer's Ruadhan-Hunter
Mayflower Dancer's Viking Hunter
Maylo Morris vd Stam de Duffelt
MC Condor Phuntsok
Meadowlark Quadrefiore
Meadowlark Rakkaani
Meghan of Gina's Home
Menno M
Mila Tabbenoca's Banu
Millgreen Linnet
Miss Montreal Of Westbrook Castle
Mollis v.h. Eckeveld
Moon Berry du Pays Sauvage
Morgenrot's Oortje v.h. Bovenwater (Rufa)
Moritz of Gina's Home
Munkerup's Pippa
Muschelsucher Chili Pepper
Muschelsucher Dark Nala
My color v.d.Limburgse parels


Natcha de Joyenval
Nelson Brook's True Friends
Nemo of Ginas Home
Nette's Golden Tal Ilia
Nette's Golden Tal Kingston
Nette's Golden Tal Maite
Nette's Golden Tal Marlo
Nette's Golden Tal Nila
Nette's Golden Tal Qovid
Nette's Golden Tal Queelynnja
Nette's Golden Tal Quinn
Nette's Golden Tal Talisman
Nette's Golden Tal Umi
Nette`s Golden Tal Lavie Leefke
Never Change Happy Hero
Never Change Jackson
NextGeneration PeakPerformance Dancing with Fire
Nica vom Limberg
Nikki of Gina's Home
Noa (Biyenti Whispering Oaks)
Noë of Sharon's Hometown
Nothing Compares of Eager Spirit
Novalicious Cheveyo of MacBaerke
Novice FT Winner Holland's Brad of Upperclaws


Oakshot Tartan
Objibwa`s Charmes de Kirwan
Odakotah Dematti
Of 't Angels Court Ultra Fox
Of 't Angels Court Wilbur
Of Eager Spirit Hold The Line
Of't Angels Court Rosie
Oldmoorland Curious Claire
Oliver Of Sweetmeat's
Once in a Liftime
Origi from Ulysse's Spirit
Orkan from Ulysse's Spirit
Otto (Mulan van de Waterlandspolder)
Our Frodo von Gugi's kate
Owen van de Cranenburcht
Ozzy Of Royal Pleasure


Paartal Pioneer's Lessa
Paartal Pioneer's Notorious Nacho
Paartal Pionier's Nosy Newton
Pacha of't Angels Court
Paige From The Gundog Farm
Passion and Spirit April
Passion Worker Awesome Son of Moe and Kiwi (Moki)
Peak Boll's Big Bang Penny
Pelle vom alten Trappisten Kloster
Penny from the Gundog Farm
Pepsanner Hot Shot
Pete vom alten Trappisten Kloster
Phannie vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Phien of Sharon's Hometown
PhilGill's Easy
Philgill's Skylar
Philgill's Sprinter
Philgill's Tear
Philgill,s Stitch
Phili of Hunterstone
Phoenix vom Keien Fenn
Piet of Hunterstone
Pila Maye Lilles Cayo
PL CH PL JCH Redrivals Burning Spitfire
Play Mor Raisin The Bar
Pocket des Quatre Cyprès
Polarfischer Fittipaldi
Polihale Samuel Adams
Powee's a yellow one
Powee's Carlsson
Powee's Finou
Powee's Fleetwood Mac
Powee's Hackett
Praetorium Latobicorum's Rusty
Prince van Artésendal
Princess du Bosquet Mignon
Priska des Quatre Cyprès
Puck van de Craneburcht
Purplemoors Wiktor
Purplemoors Willy Willy of Starcreek
Purplemoors X


Qadootjes Quest From Roes'Place
Qooper Bay Tobias
Qooper Bay Triever
QTPie a Bullet for a Dime of Perfect Promise
QTPie Hit the Bullseye Of Perfect Promise
QTPie in Black Tie of Perfect Promise
Quentin vom Keien Fenn
Quick Juuna vom Wachtberger Ländchen
Quick Stepers Idgie
Quick Stepers Joker
Quick Stepers Kaela
Quick Stepers Kalle
Quick Stepers Kindly Holly
Quick Stepers Kindly Weasel
Quick Stepers Kobold
Quick Stepers Lavinia
Quick Stepers Leroy
Quick Stepers Libby
Quickrunners Bright Summer
Quincy Van Kassiers Hof
Quind de klothoeve
Quirin vom Keien Fenn (Sky)
Qurzeni vom Keien Fenn


Ragnar des Tourbières de la Souche
Ragweeds Defender
Ragweeds Flower
Ragweeds Grand Wheeler
Raider My Hero Of Mystirious Pride
Rainbow Gold Enya of Great Pleasure
Raymond Reddington van het haesdal
Ready Steady Go Prancer Of Perfect Promise
Rebel Blend Bohemian Rhapsody
Rebel Blend Ginger Quill (Gwen)
Rebel blend hairy prince green butt(Noxx)
Rebel Blend Hakuna Matata
Rebel Blend Love Of My Life (Kiek)
Rebel Blend Muddler Minnow (Woofer)
Red Calypso's Duck Rock River Gem ( Niels)
Red From The Gundog Farm
Red Tolling Fellow Ambitious Elmo
Red Tolling Fellow Ambitious Liam
Reedbed Adele
Reedbed Chili Cayden
Reedbed Cornflower Gemma
Remington of Red Glory
Renssor King of Heart Jarle
Rhineferry's Flame of Grace
Rhineferry's Wear A Smile Zeg
Rhinefield's Be off the Hook
Rhypyker Teasel
Rian van de Netekwacht
Ricciarelli Dolce Unico of Perfect Promise
Ricciarelli Pollice Alto of Perfect Promise
Ricky du Taillis Madame
Robert Super Start
Rocket Star Poirot
Rocket Star Quality Time
Rocket Star Quarius (Dzjengis)
Rockford v.h. Haesdal
Romy du Bosquet Mignon
Ronorabrook Lucy
Rose-Ebbe Of Sharon's Hometown
Rousseau vom Keien Fenn
Royal Star Elisabeth Canem Mundi
Rusty Keen Raf The Second off April
Ryegate's All The Dirty Details


Sam of mystirious pride
Sam-Two Van Het Bevershof
Sasawot Agoston Splinter
Sasawot Agotha Lany
Sasawot Aranyu Sinne
Sasawot Easy Does It
Sasawot Follow The Sun
Sasawot hang loose ( Zenna)
Sasawot Here Comes The Sun (Sven)
Sasawot No Worries (Neal)
Sasawot Walking on Sunshine
Saya du Taillis Madame
Scott of Royal Pleasure
Seaside Gundogs Magic Merlin
Seigneur Vador of Ghenalia's loving Eyes
Seven (Tammy van de Waterlandspolder)
Shane From The Gundog Farm
Shiny in the sky Ceyla ( Umi)
Silent Worker's Elroy
Silent Worker's Fay
Silent Worker's Jordy
Silva Nigra Labrador Byleist
Silva Nigra Labrador Chaldene
Sinoan Gundogs Sir Roderick
Siria Brenna of Great Pleasure
Skye -line's red Brios Korbinian
SKYE du Val des Légendes
Skyhunting Archibald
Skywalker des Quatre Cyprès
SL Jollychoc's Handsome Peach
SL JollyChoc´s Enya
SL JollyChoc´s Gillie
Sleep des Etans d'Orient
Smiling Fellow`s Ambercup
Smiling Fellow`s Apple
Snowy River Of Mystirious Pride
Solanum Nigrum Albatross - Ash
Solanum Nigrum Antelope
Sorrelcott Silver Bullet
Spanish Flaminco Aqua Silva (Trix)
Speed´n Style Finally my girl
Speed´n Style Gwenllian
Spexx Spruce Grouse of Upperclaws
Spike Armando van het Oudebaken
Spirit of ancestors Audacious Raven
Stamford Taïga
Starcreek Shadow
Starcreek Skye Tallisker of Woodfen
Starcreek Snipe
Starcreek Too Vita
Starcreek Uhdrac
Starcreek Undercover Jack
Starcreek Veni Vidi Vici
Starcreek Venom
Starcreek Viking
Starcreek Viper
Starcreek Viva Victoria
Starcreek Vodka
Starcreek Wannes
Starcreek Warrior
Still Loving You Of Eager Spirit
Stoffel Golden Lovers
Stonehills Garden Watermelon
Stonehunter Oppdal Ole
Stonehunter Pietra Piet
Stonehunter Summer Light Chaggy
Stonehunter's Luna
Stoneyard's dark velvet Very sweet
Storm Special Edition OF Sunshine's Valley
Stünkel's Dasha
Stünkel's Enya
Stünkel's Fila
Sullivan vom Keien Fenn
Summerfields Dust Charming Joe
Summerfields Dust Daydream
Summerfields Dust Eagan
Summerfields Dust Endless Enjoy
Super Hero Du Vivier Au Bois
SUSEDALENS Desoto Firedome (Cliff)
Swanneblomke's Aeolus Allegro


Tabbenoca`s Cheeky Niawi ALO
Tabbenoca´s Dowanhowee Tila ANO
TaÏga Des Tourbières de la Souche
Take My Breath Away Of Eager Spirit
Take pleasure in gold Daan
Tales about A'Leia
Tarko Of 't Angels Court
Tayro Two hearts beat as one Of Cay's Happiness
Team Workers Beryll Leopold
Team Workers Beryll Ron
Team Workers Citrin Jeanie
Team Workers Citrin Julie
Team Workers Dolomit Flynn
Team Workers Eldarit Edward
Terra de Penela Alma du Vivier au Bois
Terra Di Siena Viña pomal
Tessa de Nyota Iloenga
Teuntje's Tess uit 't Labradorium
Tewbell's Done By Quinn
Texas ex Chelsea / Piet
Thanksgiving Bernstein Bree
The Next Angel Revelation of Vipers Pride
Think Twice Beyond the Shadow of Doubt
Think Twice Erase 'n Rewind
Think Twice Jaunty
Think Twice Keep In Touch
Think Twice Never Ask Twice
Think Twice Something or Other
Think Twice Tsunami
Think Twice Urban Cowboy
Think Twice Va Va Voom at Grovery
Think Twice Victor Victoria
Think Twice Voodoo
Think Twice Whoosh
Think Twice Winston West
Think Twice X Gon'Give It To Ya
Thorn Mill Proud Paddington
Thorn Mill Radiant Roselie
Thorn mill Vanilla Blue Ice (Joy)
Thorn Mill Vanilla Red Velvet
Thorn mill Violet Expressions (Nel)
Thorn Mill Vivid Ace
Thorn Mill Voulez-Vous 'Fun'
Thornmill Primrose Phantasy
Thornmill Rowan Rascal
Tildaross Amber
Togo the Legendary Starman Of Cay's Happiness
Tokala's Blackberry Waterloo
Tomboy too tough to tame of Perfect Promise
TQ Aleen
TQ BlueBee
TQ Grady
Treasure Yarden´s Chili Hajra
TreasureYarden's Dot
Treranch Duke
Trini Van het Bevershof
Tullysedge in Bruges
Turner Of Ridersfort
Tyne (Mika)
Tyrrellison Onyx


Ugo Golden Lovers
Ulani vom Gerretsfeld
ULCIA du val des Legendes
Ulrich Up to the next level Of Mystirious Pride
Umakee's Chilly
Unforgettable Adene Tiana von gugi's kate
Unique ex Chelsea
Unique Pace of Hunter's Wish
Unique vom Gerretsfeld
Unit Des Quatre Cypres
Unstoppable Sue
Up in the Field Uchù of Chicquera's Crown
Upper Class des Quatre Cyprès (Tess)
Uptown girl in Tokyo of perfect promise
Utah ex Chelsea/Mila
Utah Golden Lovers
Ute des Quatres Cyprès


Vanguard Jimmy Doolittle
Vaya vom Gerretsfeld
Vedett of Small Game Valley
Very bad bad Jane Of Mystirious Pride
Viertje my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Vino De Bacchus Leon Millot
Virthualitie Great River Amazon -
Vision Of Hope Du Vivier Au Bois
Vita Sensi Saga of Chicquera's Crown
Vita Velus Desteney van't Nielerdal
Vividi from gold by Together with Joy
Vlaklands Lot
Voice des Quatre Cyprès
Von der Mohnenfluh Agnetha Liv
Von Der Mohnenfluh Bayani
Von der Mohnenfluh David Ole
Vos van de Netekwacht


Wanda from Ulysse's spirit
Wanted Sunshine in my pocket of Perfect Promise
Wapsac Quinn
Wasabi Of Mystirious Pride
Waterfriend Jody
Way of the world v.d. Loenense hoeve
Wayan Of Ridersfort
Weegobee's Cwergin Cona
Weegobee's Furrytales Frizzy
Welcome to my life Ashanti
Welcome to my life Cessna
Welcome to my life Darly
Weljesten Pearl Au
WELL NICCI du Val des Légendes
Westerkames Nash
Westforest Fox Astir Zora
Whispering Oaks Chawa
Whispering Oaks Noble Finale Nike
Whispering Wind It's friendship Ronja
Why not Kimmy from Ulysse's Spirit
Wildbird Röda Snöstorm
Windfetcher Always Be Good Amber
Windingbrooks Autumn Leon
Windingbrooks Cullen Tuuli
Windwood's Diamond in the Dark
Windworker's Dartford
Windworker's Devon
Windworker's Dolphin
Windworker's Endless Mountain
Windworker's Endless Mountain
Windworker's Fennel
Windworker's Foxglove
Windworker's Glen Livet
Windworker's Glen Morangie
Windworker's Holly
Windworker's Ibanjji
Windworker's Icarus
Windworker's Iceland
Windworker's Isaac
Windworker's Iva
Wisnerofanc Helpful Havanna
Wolfeca DeeDee Dashing
Wolfeca Gibbs
Wolfeca Hayden
Wolfeca Hayley
Wolfeca Heavy (Hunt)
Wolfeca Hind ( Hiske)
Wonderful Leo Of Mystirious Pride
Wood Fen Gundogs Uno
Wood Fen Gundogs United (Nox)
Wood Fen Gundogs VIPS
Wood Fen Gundogs Viva La Vida
Wood fen Talisker
Wood Fen Tenacious Swan of Sandhill
Woodfen Tormore
Woodfen Ulay
Woodfen Victory Winston
Woodlanddogs Nice Girl Nell
Woodlandsdogs Unstoppable Boaz
Woodrush George
Woodrush Mitchell
Woodrush Purdey
Woody vom Idsinger Holz
Work and more Noble Baki Biyu
Work and more Noble Nugget
Work for Pleasure Active Leia
Work for Pleasure Active Mona
Workout Dog Anis
Workout Dog Barne


Xita Of Mystirious Pride
Xpressive Segno vom Lech-Toller Nest


Yaro Nàdura Meave V.d. Stam de Duffelt (Meave)
You Make Loving Fun of Eager Spirit
Young Spirit Gentle Mind Velvet
Young Spirit Hopeful Joplin
Young Spirit Keen Curtiz
Young Spirit Let´s go Milas


Zahira Amy my Melodie of Golden Spirit
Zealous Worker Brooklyn
Zero to hero Black Brianta
Zusenzo Vosje Louis (Vosje)
Zwinny Bandyta Fauve (Tess)